OOOOThe White House


The White House
The official site.
Council of Economic Advisors
A window on the Administration's economic plans, including the President's 2007 economic report (under "CEA Publications").
Council on Environmental Policy
The Bush Administration's current policies on the environment.
Federal Government Statistics
Numbers concerning income, employment, education, crime and health.
National Infrastructure Advisory Panel
Documents outlining goals and priorities. Includes the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace.
National Security Council
Read the National Security Strategy of the United States, plus recent statements by the National Security Advisor.
Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
The Administration's plan to fund religious organizations' charitable and outreach programs. [Executive Order 1-29-01] [Executive Order 1-29-01] [Report 1-29-01] [Executive Order 12-12 02]
Office of Management & Budget
The Administration's budget and economic policies. Read the President's 2008 budget outline.
Office on National Aids Policy
Stats and advice with a good collection of outside links. Very little on policy, though.
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Facts, policy, treatment, prevention, even a list of drug slang.
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Not much here, though "What's New" sheds some light on adminstration policy regarding global warming and other policies.
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Sounds dry, but find here the Bush Administration's economic policy toward the world, trade promotion authority, NAFTA, environmental issues, global warming and other policies.
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
The site gives only a description of the board's responsibilities. No documents.
USA Freedom Corps
You can search your interests and area for volunteering. Very nice.
Presidential News and Speeches
What did he say, and when did he say it? Speeches, proclamations and executive orders.
Presidential Appointments
List of those the President has nominated or appointed to government positions.


Government Printing Office Guide to Executive Branch Resources
An excellent portal into the doings of the Executive.
The place where you can go to find, and post comments on, pending changes in regulations for all Federal agencies.
The Unified Agenda
Published in April and October, the unified agenda blueprints proposed changes in federal agency regulations for the following six months.
Federal Government Resources: Executive Branch
From the University of Michigan's larger site, a compendium of web resources.
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
From the Government Printing Office of NARA, all records are browsable from 2001, searchable from 1993.
Executive Order Disposition Tables
NARA's listings going back to Franklin Roosevelt.