OOOOThe Department of the Interior


The official site. Index.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
A curiously plan page of links elsewhere.
" The Bureau of Land Management
The BLM directly manages 261 million acres of land, primarily in the West, and indirectly the mineral rights of another 439 million acres owned by other agencies. Its site map index is organized by state where it's possible to find more BLM information, including oil and gas lease sales, land sales, coal, wild horses, etc..as well as maps of BLM holdings.
" The Bureau of Reclamation
Manages Western water resources including the Colorado River System, its dams and resevoirs.
" Healthy Forests Initiative
Effective forest management or lumber industry give-away?
" Electronic Library of Interior Policies
This page replaces a page on laws and regulations previously found on the Interior site. The subtle difference may be that the department no longer makes public what it is required to do, but only what it plans to do.
So far as we can tell, nothing available on line.
" Mineral Management Service
Manages oil, gas and mineral extraction on Federal and Indian lands and offshore. The MMS maintains records of revenue from these extractions, though none from after 2000, i.e. the present administration.
" The National Parks Service
Budget history and recent legislation.
" Office of Surface Mining
Resources include laws and regulations, reports, information on everything from acid mine drainage to coal production statistics. The site has its own index.
Office of Policy, Planning and Management
Umbrella office for 19 other offices.
Office of Budget
Office of Financial Management: The page provides numerous reports on the financial management of the department.
Office of Planning and Performance Management
How the DOI sees its mission and its future. See also the Strategic Plan.
Trilateral Committee for Wildlife and Ecosystem Conservation & Management
Coordinates environmental policy between The United States, Canada and Mexico. Not a part of DOI.
" U.S. Geological Survey
The mapping arm of the Interior, the USGS has become a major source of Earth science information. Its history, included on the site, traces the relationship between government, development and America's frontier from the beginning of the 19th century to the present. Its thousands of highly detailed and accurate maps cover a multitude of themes and are available to the public.
" U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Regulates use and maintenance of plants and animals and their habitats. Includes the Endangered Species Program
Freedom of Information Act
Provides money and resources for rural businesses and co-ops.